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Crane in the Kitchen

A 100 tonne Grove crane belonging to Nebo Cranes toppled onto the Kitchen and dining building at a Mining camp in Nebo, Australia yesterday.

The accident which occured as staff were preparing breakfast, severely damaged the building but missed its eight occupants..

The building was almost empty as a large number of the camps employees had headed home for the weekend.

The crane was lifting roofing sheets when the accident happened, initial reports say that the ground was sound and give no clues as to what caused the tip over. The operator was uninjured.

Stephen Law of camp owner MEC, said: "Staff were preparing breakfast, but no one was injured they’re very lucky,. We have had extensive dealings with Nebo Cranes and there had been no previous incidents.”

A spokesperson for Nebo Cranes, said that they preferred not to comment at this stage saying that this was the first time the company had experienced an accident. “
