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Judgement day

The judging has taken place for the most creative moustache in the competition to help raise funds for male cancer charities. Johnathan Till of UK based GT Access has been taken part and having grown a full George V beard, had the challenge of sculpting it into something creative and then turn up for the finals looking like…. Well you be the judge.
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Jonathan Till with his moustache entry and looking like a ??? all in the name of charity

Sadly the access industry representative did not win, but his group of four has so far raised £2,500 and the event as a whole - £7,500 so far.

Till said: “Now that I have made a total prat of myself and even sent you the photos to prove it would be good if we could raise more money to help this worthwhile charity. If only a few readers of Vertikal.Net and Cranes and Access sponsored me for very small amounts we could easily achieve another £1,500.”
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The four compadres

The finals had an odd wild west theme with a welsh twist – a bucking ram rather than a bronco, also Brokeback mountain comes to mind – maybe its all those moustaches?
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An industry supporter tried out the bucking ram - only in Britain!

Lets give them one last push for what is a worth cause. You can still support them by going to web page: completing a pledge or sponsorship form.

Click here to view original report Testicular cancer largely affects men in between the ages of 18 to 45. It is a cancer that people find hard to talk about due to its delicate nature, it is staggering how many men suffer from what can easily be a fatal
