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Europlatform in Milan

The International Powered Access Federation has announced that it is organising the Europlatform conference in September, this years venue will be held in Milan.

The even will take place on 15th September 2009 at the Atahotel Expo Fiera in Milan, Italy with the theme - “Access Rentals: Ready for the Rebound?”

The one-day conference will be dedicated to access rental management issues and is targeted at senior management and will be organised in partnership with KHL.

IPAF managing director Tim Whiteman said: “These are truly difficult times and only the best-run companies will survive. Those who come to the conference can equip themselves with the right strategies and knowledge to cope with the changing market.”

If you would like to be a speaker at the event you can contact Murray Pollack of KHL on [email protected]

Vertikal Comment

Europlatform was originally seen by many as the start of continental European IPAF Summit, with the first one in Basle and the second at APEX in Maastricht.

Given the budgetary challenges that many companies face this year, and that this years summit is to be held outside of the UK for the first time – in Dublin - some will wonder if there is room for yet another conference?

On the other hand there is an argument of course that during tough times there is more of a need for the industry to get together in order to compare notes and chart strategies. Italy is also a decent distance from Dublin.

There is also the argument that in order to build such events over the log term, continuity through good times and bad is important. The overall success of this year’s event will of course depend on how well the industry does between now and September.
