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Crazy Canadians

This is technically Death Wish 59 although following some crtical (but constructive) input from a few of you last week we are moving away from Death Wish 1, 2, 3, 4....etc.....

A reader in Montréal Canada spotted these two working at around four metres or so from the top of their van chiselling an old painted advert from a brick wall.. How they did not fall and do themselves a serious injury is amazing. In the words of today’s contributor:
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Two men spotted in a street in Montreal

“This is the first time that I’m sending an email to your location but I’m going on your site each day to find ideas and more. The Death wish series is something which does surprise me every single time to see how people play with their lives. I was driving down a street in Montréal Canada just before lunch and I spotted these two men and to make sure I didn’t see something by mistake, I decided to turn around and yes sure enough I had seen correctly!”
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The man on his precarious step ladder with hammer and Chisel

“I believe there are no words to describe how stupid people are but this one is pretty high on the list of stupidity. I will make sure these pictures are going to the Health and Safety committee in the Province of Québec - CSST (Commision de Santé, Sécurité au Travail). Just imagine if the ladder had slipped from the edge of the roof of the van?”

“Keep in mind that when I first passed it was even worst since two people were on two different ladders at each end of the van. You can still see the second ladder.”
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Another view of this unusual set up

Many thanks for this, what these two ignore is the number of lives that they will affect if one or both of them fell and had a serious, maybe fatal accident. Their families of course, but also passers by who may be traumatised, people who own the building who may be subject to legal proceedings, if they are employed their employer. who would almost certainly face action and their workmates. All for the want to arranging the proper equipment!
