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Duggan to join Horizon

Horizon Platforms the Yorkshire, UK, based aerial lift rental company has announced the appointment of Ruairi Duggan to its board. Duggan was joint founder of UpLift which he and his partner, Nick Higgins merged with AFI in 2006 to form AFI UpLift.

Since selling UpLift, Duggan who started his career as a salesman with Instant Zip-Up, has taken time out of the access industry and has concentrated on property development along with some travelling.
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Ruairi Duggan

Horizon managing director, Ben Hirst said: “I am looking forward to re-establishing a working relationship with Ruairi once more. His experience and ability especially in sales and marketing will yet further strengthen the business and I have no doubt generate some fantastic opportunities”

Duggan added: “I am delighted at the prospect of joining Horizon Platforms. Ben and his team have created a superb brand with a great reputation over the last two years. I have been looking for an opportunity to re-enter the Access industry and cannot think of a business that offers so much potential over the coming years.”
