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UK Tower crane register to start in April

The details of the UK’s tower crane register have now been finalised by the Health & Safety Executive, following a three month consultation period, which generated around 100 responses before closing in October. The proposals are now before ministers for final approval and should come into force in April 2010.

The new rules will require details of conventional tower cranes erected on a site to be notified to the HSE within 14 days of the thorough examination, that follows the crane's erection, being completed. Information will include:

-The name and address of the crane owners,
-The site address,
-Details needed to identify the crane,
-The date of its thorough examination.
-Details of the employer for whom the examination was made.
-Details of any defects detected that might pose a risk of serious injury.

Each registration, which can be completed online, will cost £20 to cover administration costs, All details notified to HSE will be contained in a register that will be open to public scrutiny.

Companies will have 28 days to notify the HSE for cranes that are already erected and inspected when the register comes into force.

Philip White, HSE chief inspector of construction, said: "The public consultation has helped us to develop a proportionate response to an established risk. We have learnt a great deal from recent incidents and are working together with hirers, suppliers, manufacturers and stakeholders to ensure that anything we have learnt is acted upon."

Click here to see original story-July 14th
Click here to see draft proposals
