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Oil&Steel to launch 27 metre truck mount

Italian truck and spider lift manufacturer Oil&Steel is to launch a 27 metre working height truck mounted lift on a 3.5 tonne chassis at Bauma.

The company says the new Snake 2714 Compact has been developed specifically for the Dutch and German markets as it can be driven on B and E driving licenses. This is achieved by mounting the platform onto a connected third axle trailer and not directly onto the truck chassis.
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Oil&Steel will unveil its new Snake 2714 Compact at Bauma

The platform has a maximum working height of 27 metres and maximum outreach of 14.5 metres with 300kg in the basket. The Snake 2714 Compact measures just 2.75 metres high and uses a double pantograph and telescopic boom. The three position stabiliser system can be either full closed, offset one side or fully extended.
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The Snake 2714 Compact can be driven on B Licenses
