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IPAF-IAPA Award winners

A long list of awards were handed out last night at the IPAF awards dinner, MEC, CTE Custom Equipment and Alimak Hek took the product awards.

Mec for its Titan S-40, CTE for its 20.13MP, Custom for its HB-830 and Alimak Hec for its Scando 650.

Paul Adorian previous managing director of IPAF and Pierre Saubot of Haulotte shared the Lifetime Achievement award.

ZT Safety systems won the Contribution to Safe Working At Height award with its harness trousers. IPS took the Award for Outstanding After Sales Service.

Facelift was named Best Rental Company of the Year and Gurpartap Singh of Lavendon was named best IPAF Training Instructor of the Year. Other awards included: Best new training centre, Best marketing campaign and Access project of the year.
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Some of the winners


vertikal editor
We normally publish the bulk of the photographs in Cranes & Access and will do so again in the May/June issue - the one after next - We will though put a few more on the web perhaps over the next day or two.

Apr 19, 2011

Will you be publishing any photo's of the event?

Apr 19, 2011

If "Dogger" does not want to take anything away from the individual category winners it surprises me that he casts aspersions on the independence of the judges. As is widely and well publicised the judges of the IAPAs are eminent members of our industry chosen for their experience and knowledge.
Is Dogger implying that past judges, which include Roger Bowden, Mike Watts, Andy Studdert, Renzo Pagliero, Lars-Petter Godenhielm, Tony Mort and Dan Kaplan are easily swayed into voting to suit a secret IPAF agenda.
Our judges give up considerable time to read and judge the increasing number of entries to the awards and to suggest they are patsies is extremely disrespectful.
I am sorry Dogger was disappointed and it is a shame he/she has decided to boycott an enjoyable event which celebrates the very best in our industry.
Maria Hadlow
Access International - co organisers of the IAPA

Apr 19, 2011

Whilst not wishing to take anything away from the individual category winners, I would suggest that the IAPA’s over the last three years have proven to be driven purely by political motivation. It’s clear to me that the winners that are chosen are either the biggest producers of PAL cards or are the representatives of IPAF in developing countries. These awards for me have no credibility and aren’t worth the glass they’re etched on! Nevertheless I will continue to support the IPAF summit, however three years of the IAPA evening event is enough for me and I’ll not be back.

Apr 18, 2011