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Gardner Denver to exit access

UK based vehicle mounted aerial lift manufacturer Gardner Denver is pulling out of the powered access business.

The company, which produces van and Land Rover mounted aerial lifts made the decision to exit the business at least six to eight weeks ago but has avoided making a formal announcement or responding to our requests for confirmation.
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Gardner Denver did particularly well with its Land Rover mounted lifts

Our original source was irrefutable, but we have now had second sources from buyers who have been told directly that the company is no longer quoting for new business.

While we have no comment from the company, we understand that it will continue to provide product and technical support for its powered access products and is fulfilling all existing orders. It is also expected to continue with its non-powered safe access systems.
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A Gardner Denver DA125 van mounted lift

Vertikal Comment

Gardner Denver got into the business with the acquisition of the Priestman vehicle mounted lift brand but has never really quite had its heart in the access business, the company is titan in other fields including pumps and compressors and its tiny access business was always something of a puzzle.

Having said this, from time to time it has appeared to get serious and employed some good people and introduced some interesting products. But never sustained or followed through with such initiatives.

Problems in the last year with Land Rover chassis and that company’s attitude towards approving aerial lift installations on its vehicles is also likely to have been an issue.

The company could have sold the business several times in the past few years but has either set an excessive price or declined. The company has some interesting products which could still be of interest to trade buyers – it the prices was right.


Having worked at Gardner Denver this comes as no suprise as there was never really any effort, money or resources put into the product range. At Aldercote we manufacutre a complete range of van mounts and rumours were circulating weeks ago that they were pulling out.

Nov 7, 2011

It is always a shame to see a British manufacturer struggle, however, the Powered Access Business within Gardner Denver has always been an odd fit.
With salesmen such as the late Peter Bourne, they were a serious player, but what seems to be a lack of investment in product development (they are basically selling the same product that I had to offer whilst working for them in 1993) which has worked against them. Offerings from the likes of Ascendant proved to be far superior, this coupled with numerous Italian manufacturers was bound to take its toll.
Niftylift prove beyond doubt that British manufacturers can thrive. Their key to success.... Product Development & Innovation!

Nov 7, 2011