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Mobile Death Wish

A reader in Northern Ireland captured a mobile electrician at work on a set of lights around four metres up. His access methods were precarious to say the least.

Our man had parked his van as close as possible to the lamp post then clearly used a step ladder to climb on the roof. He must have then extended the ladder, a risky job from the top van, then jammed the ladder’s feet under his front roof rack bar and placed the top against the post at a dreadfully low angle.
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A van, a step ladder a ladder and a roof rack, not to mention the tree are all part of this man's access equipment

Having climbed up to the job in hand he seems to be balancing by putting his foot on top of the hedge, possibly to stop the ladder swivelling around the lamp post?

This access method definitely qualifies as a ‘Grade-A’ Death Wish.

In the words of our reader: “The operative has been most creative in his quest - as you can see the smaller step ladders are carefully positioned to get up onto the roof of the vehicle – we have contacted the company in a bid to encourage more sensible access methods in the future.”
“Despite our best endeavours to improve safety in our industry and educate users on the benefits of powered access, it’s clear that there is still some way to go!”
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A closer look at a man caught in the act
