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Crane electrocution

A man was electrocuted in Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia while helping with the movement of steel shipping containers.

Details are scant, but from what we have been sent it seems that the man, 24, was alongside a container, when the cranes boom touched an overhead power line.

Two other men including the crane’s operator were unhurt in the incident. A forensic crash unit is working with Workplace Health and Safety investigators and electrical safety investigators to confirm the cause of the accident.

Vertikal Comment

When a boon comes in to contact with live overhead power lines the electricity will find the easiest most direct line to earth.

A crane's tyres tend to insulate it from the ground, while a person steading a load is an ideal conduit. Lifting operations in any yard where overhead power lines exist should be very carefully monitored.

This tragic accident would not have happened if all three men involved had discussed the dangers of the overhead cables in advance.
