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Caledonian Plant Maintenance liquidates

Caledonian Plant Maintenance which also trades as Caledonian Access, has entered a liquidation process, although its owner – John Stalker - has started again under a new name.

The new company registered on December 30th is UK Inspect Ltd, will trade as Caledonian Access.

Employees of the old company were transferred to the new business as of January 17th with notice of the appointment posted yesterday. The liquidator is Meston Reid & Co, 12 Carden Place Aberdeen AB10 1UR. A creditors meeting has been called for February 8th.
Click here for formal notice
Stalker and Caledonian have been in the Mini Crane and access repair markets since 1997 trading under the names Caledonian Plant Maintenance, Caledonian Cranes and Caledonian Access. All companies along with the new one are registered at the same Aberdeen address in Scotland.
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John Stalker

The new company will continue to trade as Caledonian Access from the same three locations – Aberdeen and Glasgow in Scotland and Bradford in northern England. Access staff have transferred to the new company which will continue to focus on carrying out Through Examinations, service work and repairs.

The Crane business is now separate and is likely to be transferred into a new business under the Scotia name.

The Caledonian Access web site still claims to offer IPAF training although the companies are no longer included in the register of IPAF members, nor are they IPAF approved training centres. Stalker says that the new business will not offering this service.

John Stalker told Vertikal.Net that the decision to place the company into liquidation was taken very reluctantly, and driven by pressure from its bank. He added that there were very few trade creditors and that his aim is to make sure that those that had debts with the old company will be covered by the new business.


any more news on caledonian?

Feb 25, 2011

hi,I know that caledonian had proberly the best engineers in the buisness also mr stalker is very good and knowledgable about what he does.
What i am saying is using a cap number that is out of date is not correct and using this card that only allows to be used on access(not cranes, vaccum unit, wheel chair lifts,etc etc) that you personnally have been asset on.
This card is for the holder only and holds a expiry date and the number can only be used by the holder of the card to be put on a certicate.
i have been in touch with ipaf and agrees what i was saying ,so charles please be carefull and dont get your fingers burnt look into things before you jump.
Many thanks and wish all caledonian employees the best of luck and hope you get your decembers pay in full not installments.
Also good job hunting for you guys and sure things will work out in the end.

Feb 4, 2011

vertikal editor
I think this stream has gone far enough and has become too personal. I suggest that unless there is a news update on this subject the tit for tat comments cease now.

Feb 4, 2011

I would like to thank Mr. E. Stevens, Roger Dean and Phil White regarding the legality of how an engineer is competent to carry out thorough inspections on lifting equipment which includes Access Platforms.
I find Malcolm’s (If that’s his real name) totally unprofessional and I also extend this to Vertikal for allowing these types of derogative comments on this website.
It is obvious that it is a tough time for us but to have comments like those from Malcom that focus on whether any engineer is qualified or competent has complete disregard for the majority of all the access and crane engineers and I would suggest that a read of Loler regulations a MUST and not listen to hearsay.
On a personal level I am extremely proud to work with engineers and staff who have conducted themselves in such a professional manner in such a difficult period.
I would suggest that vertical allow comments on this site that are factual and not just someone’s obvious “beef” as this can have an effect on peoples jobs.

Feb 4, 2011

Not having a cap card doesn't mean the engineer is not qualified to carry out an examination under LOLER, however IPAF would have everyone think this is the case.
Having spent 15 years in the access business, I can name only a few companies that carry out weight tests on the SWL.
I can recall having seen a multi-national insurance company engineer carry out a LOLER test on a Genie S85 on the premises of hire company within a time period of 10 mins.
However he had BA Hons in Mechanical Engineering on his card.......but not even an IPAF operators card.
In my experiance a CAP card is only another method of proving competency... and a good one at that, but look a little closer next time these engineers my have certificates coming out of their ears.
OR do you all work for IPAF?

Feb 3, 2011

I think what Malcom is saying is that putting down a unvalid out of date number on a certificate is ilegal.

Having dealings with Caledonian in the past on my certificate it said that J Stalker carried out the Examination when it was someone else and they used his number.
I got Caledonian to do a examination on a hi-ab i looked into it and he is not covered for this category(On his license) and the CAP number has expired.
I feel sorry for the hard working guys that are employed there.

On Caldonian Access website it says 'By law all owners and operators of access equipment must have the equipment Thoroughly Examined at least every six months to meet health and safety regulations'. The fact the CAP number is used on everything and anything is taking the mickey!!!

Feb 3, 2011

Guys don,t blame this companies downfall on any of the engineers, who in my opinion are some of the best in the industry..
The blame lies with bad management as usual and should be a stark warning to all of us as to the reality we face in this business.
This company had the abillity to become a market leader, it is a shame that Directors could not see that.

Feb 3, 2011

I agree with roger and it would be unfair to comment on what the individual engineers can or can't do unless you know there engineering background.And in my own experience there is some major construction companys upto a few years ago wouldn't allow ipaf operators on there site and insisted on C.I.T.B licences.And malcom to open your comment with "i agree with the other comment" with support for the unfortunate employees of the company you then go on to accuse them of not being "compotent or qualified" to do there job.If you have an axe to grind with caledonian please don't take it out on it's employees.

Feb 2, 2011

Roger Dean
It sounds like the these are personal 'beefs'which is fair enough, BUT.. it is not illegal to do thorough examinations if you dont have an IPAF card or ticket. All you need to do by law is prove that you or your people are competent for the job. The IPAF CAP card is one way to do this but there are many others, including well documented experience over many years - an aprenticeship or manufacturers own training courses. Just wanted to put the record straight.

Feb 2, 2011

I agree with this other comment.Caledonian was doing thorough examination but their ipaf tickets ran out a number of years ago and they were still carrying out this service and he quotes 'Caledonian Access staff have transferred to the new company which will continue to focus on carrying out Through Examinations, service work and repairs'
If they do he is breaking the law. The company carrys out examanations on items that are not even on the catagories of Ipaf i.e wheelchair lifts,vaccuum units other types of acess equipment.
Ipaf are aware of this.

Feb 2, 2011

This man is lucky to have any staff, they have been treated appallingly, some are still waiting for their December salaries.

Feb 2, 2011