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Truck mount that’s not

Sent in by a reader in Trinidad & Tobago, a photo of a boom working from the back of a truck – how many errors can you spot!

Sadly the photos are very poor, but you can just make out what looks like a Genie Z45/22, working from the back of a truck fitted with a loader crane. What we cannot see nor have been told, is whether the boom lift is properly tied down or not.
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A definite Death Wish in Trinidad or is it Tobago

According to our correspondent even though the truck had outriggers for the crane, the operator was not using them. The lift was being used to install a new electronic sign on the busiest highway in Trinidad and Tobago. One positive factor is that the two men, one on the ground and one in the cage, are both using harnesses.

Our reader says that he hopes that they drove the lift onto the truck as the crane is way too small to handle the load safely!
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This is a much clearer version

Most definitely a Death Wish
