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Skyjack joins SmartEquip network

Skyjack is joining the SmartEquip Network to provide electronic parts and service support and procurement. The company expects to be up and running shortly.

The SmartEquip software and network allows its members to use the same online parts ordering, electronic service manuals and warranty system for any manufacturer that is a member. Rather than having to log into each company’s proprietary e-commerce system.

So far access and telehandler manufacturers JLG, Genie and Manitou have joined, while rental companies using the network include: United Rentals, Hertz, Sunbelt and Acme.

Chuck Berls, Skyjack’s director of customer support said: “Skyjack continues to demonstrate its commitment to improving process and transactional efficiencies for its customers. By joining the SmartEquip Network, we are extending our electronic product support capabilities and our parts ordering efficiencies, directly into the operating platforms of our customers, delivering real savings and improving equipment uptime.”

SmartEquip chief executive and Founder, Alexander Schuessler added: “We are very pleased that Skyjack has chosen to join our Network. Skyjack’s broad fleet presence across this market shows the potential for tremendous savings for the industry. We very much welcome the partnership opportunity to support this significant new equipment footprint.”
