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Crane boom takes out parked cars

A lattice crane boom came down across two or three parked cars in Fayetteville, North Carolina yesterday.

The crane, a 110 ton Terex HC110 crawler crane owned by Buckner Heavylift Cranes of Graham, North Carolina, was rented to LeChase Construction Services and was working on the town’s multi storey car park, lifting steel beams, when the accident occurred.

The crane operator was taken to hospital, but his injuries were said to be minor no one else was affected.
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The crane's boom

According to a local witness the operator was lowering the boom when the crane tipped, although other reports suggest that the load might have caught up on reinforcing bars protruding from the structure as it was being lifted, causing the crane to tip.
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The crane is recovered by a large mobile

The states Occupational Safety and Health Agency was called in to investigate the accident.
