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Watch out for Bogus HSE demand

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is urging businesses across Britain to watch out for and ignore all correspondence from a firm calling itself the "Health and Safety Registration Enforcement Division".

HSE has received complaints from businesses who have received requests from the "Health and Safety Registration Enforcement Division" for payment in order to achieve compliance with the law. The requests, sent from a Bradford address and quoting £199 for registration if "compliant" or £249 if "non-compliant", should be reported to HSE or to the police.

Justin McCracken, HSE's Deputy Directory General (Operations), said: "The Health and Safety Registration Enforcement Division is not connected to HSE and is not an official body. Businesses should ignore any approach from this firm, and any similar offers.

HSE would never write indiscriminately to firms seeking advance payment for services. Many of our services are provided free of charge and much of our guidance is on our website. For businesses who would like more detailed information, our Health and Safety Starter Pack is available for £30."

Anyone receiving correspondence from the "Health and Safety Registration Enforcement Division", or any such requests, should contact their local HSE office, HSE's Infoline on 08701 545500, or West Yorkshire police on 01924 292 599.
