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A warning to arborists

We have been sent a link to a video clip of an incident that occurred last Wednesday in the USA that while sending a strong safety message is somewhat distressing.

It is not visually bad - no blood and guts - and the subject does survive, so given the potential benefits for those working with trees and other jobs that require some climbing we decided to go ahead and publish.

The man in the video, an experienced tree specialist, is assessing a job for a homeowner and has either organised some video coverage, or more likely the customer is behind the camera?

The unfortunate climber has the harnesses and once in position appears to attach a safety lanyard to the tree limb while he inspects the crown, however something has clearly gone wrong.

The video demonstrates how even those who have done the job hundreds of times before can make a mistake and if working in this manner that can be catastrophic. The man in the video did survive, but broke his back and his foot. Which suggests he will not work in this type of job again and may easily be paralysed for the rest of his life?
Click here to see the video
Safety authorities around the world are attempting to limit climbing to occasions when no alternative is available. That is not the case here a spider lift or possibly a 4x4 vehicle mounted lift could easily access the spot. A bit heavy for a quote you might think, but consider the cost and effectiveness of this sales call!
