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Wiseman moves to CMC

Jonathan Wiseman previously with CTE UK has joined CMC/Sup Elefant UK Ltd as managing director and partner.

He departed CTE around a month ago and has joined the UK company, owned by Tony Thornton, with responsibility for selling and supporting CMC truck mounted lifts and Sup Elefant spider lifts in the UK and Ireland.
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(L-R) Jonathan Wiseman with Allesandro and Carlo Mastrogiacomo and Giovanni Carbonara of CMC.

The new business has already sold a number of spider lifts in the UK and the first orders since Wiseman’s arrival came in this week. Wiseman will continue to work from his Henley base while the Sup Elefant depot is in Romsey, Kent.

Wiseman told Vertikal.Net that while he very much enjoyed his time at CTE, he was interested in a new challenge and will take some equity in the new business which he be responsible for running
