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Shropshire Death Wish

A reader has sent in photos of a pair steelworkers working from two aerial lifts in Shropshire, England and asks is it a Death Wish?

One of the two has no safety equipment and yet is risking his life on a windy day. Our readers comment sums it up well in his own words:
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Two men at work in windy blustery conditions

“Two lads wanting to get the job done………harness and lanyard not included and the one seems to have forgotten his hard hat, not a great idea when there is a crane holding steel girders above you on a windy day! These photos are taken from our office window, we sell harnesses and lanyards !”
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One of the two has no idea of what constitutes safe working practices

Most definitely a Death Wish and it is surprising that instances such as this are still so common.
