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Cargotec branding changes

Cargotec, owner Hiab, Kalmar and McGregor has announced further brand integration changes.

By the end of this year all new products will carry the Cargotec elephant logo, the Multilift, Moffett, Loglift and Jonsered brands will revert to product names under the Hiab brand.
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The Cargotec/Hiab elephant logo

The elephant logo was introduced by Hiab in 1971 and has almost been killed off a number of times during the company’s history. Cargotec has adopted it for widespread use on the basis that “it stands for strength, long life, reliability, trust and lifting as well as having a strong connection to nature and sustainable actions.”

"We will start using our common elephant logo on all new products, you can see our equipment in terminals, on ships and trucks all over the world, and during last year alone, we delivered over 15,000 Hiab, Kalmar and MacGregor products. By using our elephant logo we will get more brand visibility globally. The new labels signal quality and sustainability, as well as a strong united Cargotec," said Anne Westersund, Cargotec's vice president, communications and marketing.
