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Contact with power lines

A man is in intensive care this weekend after he came in to contact with overhead power lines in Antioch, California- to the east of Oakland.

The man was working on the demolition of an old glass manufacturing building in the town when a strong gust of wind is said to have either blown the platform into the wires, or vice versa.

The first anyone knew of the incident was when colleagues on the ground spotted the platforms burnt guardrails.

They managed to bring the man down to the ground and according to local reports he had regained consciousness, but sustained significant burns to his face, chest and arms. He was airlifted hospital.

CAL-OSHA officials is conducting an investigation into the incident.

Vertikal Comment

Time and time again people using aerial work platforms persist in working way too close to live overhead power lines. While arranging for power lines to be de-activated can be a tedious job, the alternatives are just way too risky. Contact with power lines remains one of the top causes of fatalities with cranes and platforms and yet it is one that is so easy to avoid.

Perhaps operator training courses need to stress this danger more in order to get the message across?
