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Crane tip over in Ohio

A 250 ton All Terrain tipped in Sugar Creek Ohio - to the north east of Columbus, while installing its counterweight, there were no injuries, nor damage to anything but the crane.

The crane a six axle 250 ton Grove 6250L owned and operated by All Crane and Erection of Cleveland, had arrived at the site and was, we understand preparing to install its counterweight from a truck.
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An unfortunate error but no injuries and minimal to no damage to property.

The outriggers on the side it tipped, were down but not extended, however the boom was at too low an angle for the manoeuvre and as the crane slewed over the side it tipped with the boom nose hitting the ground, stopping the crane going all the way.

Vertikal Comment

Set up tasks, such as installing counterweights, jibs, or relocating with full counterweight in place, are often underestimated with no to minimal planning, in comparison to the job itself. The sheer familiarity can cause momentary slips-ups such as this, which can be dangerous and certainly costly.
Perhaps a simple step by step check list for such manoeuvres might help?


We had understood that this occured this weekend, but looking at the weather it looks too summer like for Ohio in December...... If so it is clearly not news, however the incident is still relevant in that it shows how a small error can result in a costly and potentially dangerous situation. Hopefully by publishing this it might just help alert/remind operators to be aware of what can happen.
