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Mega pallet platform

A photograph sent to us from a reader in Salalah, Oman shows a new level of craziness on the old Fork truck and pallet method of powered access. Working at a platform height of around six metres the man is painting the walls with a long handled roller.
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Painting walls around six metres up

While it is quite still, sadly, quite common to see people standing on a pallet on the forks of a fork truck, this one takes the concept to a new level. Our correspondent claimed there to be 15 pallets, we counted 20 from the photograph, in addition the user has added some bracing to try and keep the stack together and added a basic guardrail, only thing is the guardrail is set at a height which rather than preventing a fall would tip the man over, ensuring he landed on his head.
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Is it 15 ot 20 pallets he is standing on?


20 if I'm not mistaken lol

Dec 15, 2011