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New car lifting frame

UK-based spider crane specialist GGR has developed a new car lifting frame to safely lift vehicles up to 2.5 tonnes.

Designed, tested and built by GGR Group in-house research and development team, the car hoist will be available for rent.
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The hoist can be used to lift cars weighing up to 2,500kg

The frame can be adjusted to suit cars of various sizes up to 2.4 metres wide. Its 2,500kg safe working load means it can handle a variety of vehicles and has already been used to lift everything from an Aston Martin supercar to a compact Mini Cooper.

The frame two steel box sections to support the wheels and webbed slings which attach to the frame’s four points so the car’s weight can be evenly distributed and lifted. The frame is simply slid underneath the car, straps and slings are then adjusted depending on the length of its wheelbase and the car is ready for lifting.

Because the only point of contact the hoist has with the car itself is with its rubber tyres, there is mimimum damage - unlike other car lifting devices on the market which are fixed directly to the vehicle body. The hoist can be used with mini cranes or pick and carry cranes and is said to be ideal for use in car showrooms, exhibitions and shopping centres.

GGR managing director, Graeme Riley said: “We are always reacting to our customer’s needs when considering what to add to our growing product range and the demand was there for this hoist. Having an in-house team of lifting experts means we can come up with solutions to virtually any challenging lift, whether that is with using an existing product or coming up with something new.”


This is very Great Frame of car Lifting, what is the main reason to use this or Car Hoist?

Mar 26, 2013