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Linden Comansa introduces PowerLift

Spanish tower crane manufacturer Linden Comansa has started shipping its new PowerLift system.

The device which will be included as standard on all the cranes in the LC500, LC1100, LC1600, LC2100 and LC3000 series, provides a 10 percent load chart improvement at reduced speeds.

When the device is switched on there is an automatic reduction of hoist and trolley speeds which will allow a given load to be taken to a greater radius. For example, the company’s 21 LC 400 / 18 tonne tower crane, with 80 metres of jib, can lift its maximum capacity at up to 16.6 metres radius, however with the PowerLift system engaged, it can take it out to 18 metres.
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By reducing speeds the PowerLift system adds 10% additional capacity

Alternatively it can lift 3,000kg at the jib tip, bur with the PowerLift system engaged this increases to 3,300kg.
