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Business still solid at Vp

UK based rental company Vp, owner of UK Forks, the telehandler rental company, has issued a trading update for the period since its interim results were issued in November.

The brief statement is as follows: “Whilst the overall economic background remains difficult, we are pleased to report that the Group continues to make good progress. The business units have experienced generally stable trading conditions across the diverse range of markets which they serve.”

“In particular, trading in the house build, rail, infrastructure and oil and gas sectors has held up well and we have continued to invest in opportunities in these sectors as they have arisen. By contrast, the general construction environment remained subdued.”

“Across the group our focus remains on optimising the performance of our existing specialist activities and utilising our financial strength in support of our market leading businesses.”

“Although the outlook for the economy remains uncertain, the group has traded well through the winter period and as a result we expect to report full year profits moderately ahead of current market expectations.”
