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Crossrail takes ZT

UK based Farringdon Crossrail has introduced the unique ZT Safety Harness to its workforce and sub-contractors, as part of its on-going safety campaign.

Crossrail will eventually connect East and West London with a faster train service, and when complete be the largest addition to the south east rail network in 50 years.

The main construction works are due to be completed in 2017, the contractor has adopted the latest Health & safety management programmes and is determined to set new standards of safety for the project.

ZT Safety Systems was introduced to companies working on the Crossrail project by Bruce Lever, of the training department of UK rental company Facelift.
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VBB employees on the Crossrail project try out their neew ZT safety harnesses

One company - VBB, the specialist mechanical & electrical contractors has adopted the ZT Flame Retardant overall harness as part of its Zero Harm campaign and safety objectives for 2012.

The ZT FR/Gort coverall harness is the only one on the market developed specifically for the rail industry (GO/RT) and conforms to FR standards EN531, EN ISO 11612:2008, EN1149-5:200.

The ZT harness system is different from others in that the harness is built into a pair of work trousers, making the wearing of a harness for long periods more comfortable. It has no dangerous groin straps, instead it grips a person by his calves, pulling him into a foetal position - eliminating shock and suspension trauma.

VVB’s William Cotter said: “I am really impressed with the harness and would like to see the ZT adopted as best practice with all the companies working on the Crossrail project”
