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Not a care in the World

A concerned person who works for a developer, spotted a couple of sign fitters working in Manchester 10 days ago and contacted us with photos - requesting advice.

The two men were working from Self-Drive rental truck mounted lift, which was fully equipped with all the safety equipment, however they decided that they did not need to bother with it. Clearly they had done it all before.
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Set up on the very edge of the kerb, close to a drain

They had set up on the pavement/sidewalk right next to a busy road, with no effort made for traffic management or warning and only a couple of cones set up by each outrigger jack to pedestrian management. The unit also appears to have been set up over or close to a drain.

The two have not bothered to put harnesses on – something that is particularly desirable when working on the public highway – and no outrigger mats have been used, although two pieces of cribbing have been placed in the road. The one outrigger is right on the edge of the kerb and might easily have slipped off had the operation not been smooth.
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The men at work - oblivious to all below them

Luckily they appear to have got away with it this time.

Our correspondent said: “Health and safety concern in Manchester. Please see attached photographs taken earlier this afternoon (today Wednesday 21st March). - No harnesses worn - No regard or concern for pedestrian safety Junction of Rochdale Road & Swan Street Manchester City Centre. – Please advise”
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Only minimal care for pedestrians warning was made

The case was referred to IPAF which we understand has contacted the furniture company that hired these two ‘chancers’.

The good thing is that an aerial lift was used for the job - naturally, however a number of things could so easily have gone wrong, for the want of – putting mats under each jack leg. Using the cones supplied to help alert traffic or better still leaving one of the men at the base of the lift to warn and direct both traffic and pedestrians and finally wearing a harness and short lanyard.

A definite Death Wish

Note that this lift was rented and that none of these antics were known or condoned by the rental company, which had supplied them with a perfectly well equipped lift and conducted a proper hand over.
