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CTE for Estonian Railways

CTE has delivered a new 18 metre B-Lift 187 truck mounted lift to the Estonian railways for maintenance work.
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The B-Lift 187 to be used for maintenance work by Estonian railways.

The unit, which was sold to EVR Infra by Pro Lift - CTE’s distributor in Latvia and Estonia - is mounted on a four wheel drive Iveco chassis. The 187 features a three section telescopic boom with an outreach of 11 metres and platform capacity of 80kg.
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(L-R) Raido Valk of Pro Lift, Marco Govoni of CTE and Hendrik Soots of Pro Lift.

The unit will be primarily used by the Estonian railway for overhead electrical network and working on level crossings.

Estonian Railways comprises AS EVR Infra and AS EVR Cargo, both of which were founded in 2009. The company provides rail transport services for a wide range of rail cargo.
