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Three Peaks for Horizon

18 employees of UK based access rental company Horizon Platforms will set out this weekend to conquer the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge to raise funds for a charity.
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Nine members of the Horizon three peaks team

The challenge involves a 25 mile hike taking in the peaks of Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough. With a combined ascent of almost 1,600 metres, it will finish back at the starting point and must be completed in under 12 hours. It's safe to say the record time of two and a half hours set in 1976 looks very safe this weekend!
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Scaling the first peak - Pen-y-ghent

The team, which will include owners Ben Hirst and Rory Duggan, will set off at 7am this Saturday, 7th July, with the intention of raising as much money as possible for Wakefield Hospice

Wakefield Hospice comprises of a 16 bed in-patient unit providing specialist symptom management and support for local patients and their families facing a terminal illness.

The Hospice requires £2.3 million annually just to stay open, and the majority of these funds are generated by donations.

If you would like to support and encourage the Horizon team and this very worthy cause, you can do so online

All donations gratefully received.
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Extreme weather and flooding this weekend prevented any climbing of the three peaks. The team has therefore posponed the attempt until September
