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HSE FFI starts today

The UK's Health and Safety Executive’s new cost recovery scheme – Fee for Intervention (FFI) – comes into force today in the UK. The fee is £124 an hour.

Under The Health and Safety (Fees) Regulations 2012, those who break health and safety laws are liable for recovery of HSE’s related costs, including inspection, investigation and taking enforcement action. The many businesses that comply with their legal obligations will continue to pay nothing.

The scheme will be reviewed after the first twelve months of operation, and within three years of the regime coming into effect. The review reports will be published on its website.

Geoffrey Podger, HSE's chief executive, said: "The most basic safety mistakes in the workplace can devastate lives and result in real costs to industry. It is right that those who fail to meet their legal obligations should pay HSE's costs rather than the public purse having to do so. Fee for Intervention provides a further incentive for businesses to manage health and safety effectively and to operate within the law. It should also help level the playing field between those who comply and those who don't.”

Employers can find practical advice, tools and case studies for controlling common risks and ensuring compliance with health and safety law on HSE's website at:
