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Changes at Crane Business

Hemmo Luijerink, previously European region manager for Hitachi Sumitomo crane division, has joined Crane Business, the crawler crane import company based in Moerdijk Holland.

Luijerink, replaces Dirk Benschop who has left the company, No one was available to comment on the reasons behind Benschops departure.

Ronald van der Vlist the managing director of Crane business said "I am delightd to have someonw with Hemmos experience and reputation on board".

Crane Business specialises in importing Japanese market cranes into Europe and carrying out its own CE approval process, working with notified bodies and themanufacturers. Sometimes doing a better job than the original manufacturer according to some sources.
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Ronald van der Vlist (L) and Hemmo Luijerink

With a number of units in the 35 to 200 tonne range, in stock at all times and a willingness to lease or re rent equipment the company has a unique offering which appears to be highly successful.

With his 14 years working for Hitachi, Luijerink will bring a great deal of experience to the young company.

‘safety and reliability is the only guarantee for having customers now and in future, Of course good service and sharp pricing are evident as well" said Luijerink.

Hitachi has yet to announce who will replace Luijerink.
