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Skyjack can deliver

Skyjack Europe has landed three orders , the first is a follow on order of 50 units for AFI in the UK as a top up for its depot network. The second, is a €2.2 million order for 150 from Skyjacks Spanish dealer Plataformas Moyma and the third a 200 unit order from Nordic Lift, the company’s dealer based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Nordic has been a Skyjack dealer since 1987, and claims to be the longest serving Skyjack deler in Europe.

Skyjack Europe pre-ordered over 1,000 stock units at the start of the year, in addition to the order book. Those units are now beginning to ship, providing Skyjacks partners with relatively short lead times.

Martin Davies, Skyjack’s European Sales & Marketing Director, said “We have shown bold commitment by allocating multiple stock levels to keep our U.K. and European customers going!”

All of the above orders will be delivered between now and the end of the third quarter 2005.
