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Double pallet and ladder

Spotted in Italy this weekend a man and his son trimming trees outside a house with access equipment and work practices that stretch the mind.

We have all seen the forklift and pallet trick before, in this case the man has used a water tank pallet, topped by another with an empty cage and then as if this is not precarious enough he adds a ladder!
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Even at the top of the ladder our man is having to stretch

On top of this he is in the street so a fall might put him under a car, and it looks like there is an overhead power line just behind? And finally he is cutting tree limbs over the open road!
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Father and son with their less than ideal access system

In the words of our reader: “I am surprised! I took personally these pictures last Saturday, believe me, just 10 km far from my house, in Guastalla, Reggio Emilia, Italy. It is unbelievable: while the father was cutting the trees, the son was "helping him. I ask myself: How can a "father" act so miserably towards his son?.

I think that after a close escape myself recently, I feel myself more "conscious" regarding safety.. How can we operate, act, work, to avoid these "Death wishes" from happening?”
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If the man fell or one of the tree limbs came down traffic will be affected

It does show how the access market still has a long way to go before it becomes anything like mature. A definite Death Wish
