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Best practice forum outlines future safety commitments

The fourth annual Working at Height Best Practice Forum organised by Nationwide Platforms included commitments to improve safety.

The event saw delegates with rental, manufacturing, contracting, and health and safety backgrounds, come together to learn, consider and strive to tackle health, safety, and environmental concerns. Individuals attending the 2012 Forum included representatives of the HSE and IPAF as well as employees of UK Construction Group (UKCG) companies.
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The fourth annual Working at Height Best Practice Forum included commitments to improving safety.

Guest speakers at this year’s event included Niftylift managing director John Keely, Laing O’ Rourke’s (South) head of HS&E Keith Prince and the Environment, Health and Safety director of US based NES Rentals, Teresa Kee. The speakers were also joined for an open Q&A session by Nationwide Platforms’ UK director of quality, health & safety Mark Keily, and IPAF’s technical officer, Chris Wraith.
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The panel for the Q&A session included (L-R) Chris Wraith, IPAF technical officer, John Keely, Niftylift, Keith Prince Laing O'Rourke, Teresa Kee NES Rentals and Nationwide Platforms UK director of QHSE Mark Keily

In a new addition to the 2012 event, three interactive group sessions were held to discuss, debate and decide upon the most important safety issues associated with working at height.
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John Keely

The general consensus was that although there was an enormous amount of useful and helpful information already available, one of the main problems was getting this information into circulation within the industry so that everyone might benefit.
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Keith Prince

The groups involved in the sessions outlined specific commitments to improving safety through the Forum which included utilising IPAF’s Accident Reporting Database, working together to improve safety communications by creating and sharing videos and other media content, and integrating increased numbers of safety group representatives to the Forum, helping the event become central in the discussion and development of working at height safety in all sectors and industries.
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Teresa Kee

Mick Ledden, Lavendon executive director, business development’ helped establish the Working at Height Best Practice Forum by bringing together different industry voices to help overcome common issues.

“It’s always been our aim to establish the kind of highly challenging aims that really can really help make a difference,” said Ledden. “This year I believe we’ve gone even further than that, with some incredibly strong commitments emerging from our group discussions. Now the hard work will really begin to help make sure we all meet those commitments, with Nationwide Platforms taking a leading role in helping all of our guests make the impact that we’ve outlined. It’s my great hope that at 2013’s event we once again return having achieved some very special feats.”
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Mick Ledden

Further information on the 2013 Working at Height Best Practice Forum will be outlined in the New Year.
