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Christmas tree decoration

Spotted by regular readers from Russia a man decorating a large tree earlier this month but how?

Sent in as a Death Wish, it is hard to understand quite how this man managed to climb this type of tree in the way he has. Perhaps Russian trees have built in ladders?
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Halfway up the Christmas tree without a ladder

It is clearly well decorated but you have to feel that it would have been a great deal easier with a work platform or some kind of Access equipment?

As to it being a Death Wish? Well it certainly goes into our gallery and yes there is a very high risk of him falling and doing himself a mischief so yes it qualifies. Although one assumes he might be able to grab onto the tree as he went down to help break his fall??
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A closer look

With many companies breaking off for Christmas holidays today we would like to thank all of you who sent in Death Wish photos this year – including those we have used and those we have yet to use. Thank You.

We are looking at additional ways to make the 350 or so Death Wish reports we have uploaded more accessible. In the meanwhile putting Death Wish in the news search box will highlight a large number of them.
For those of you celebrating Christmas - best wishes for the holidays and the New Year.

The Vertikal Team.
