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EWPA launches new operator licence

Australia’s Elevating Work Platform Association has launched its new Elevating Work Platform Operator Licence as a nationally recognised Unit of Competence (UoC).
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The current EWPA Yellow Card will be replaced with a photo card licence

The new Operator Licence updates the EWPA Yellow Card and aligns itself with the Resources and Infrastructure training package, UoC titled: RIIHAN301B-Operate Elevating Work Platforms. The new card features a photograph of the operator, similar that found on a drivers’ licence

The EWPA said that it has been aware for some time some that industry sectors such as mining and resources, had not recognised its Yellow Card as appropriate training, even though it met Operational Health and Safety and Workplace Health and Safety requirements relating to employer responsibilities. This was because the Yellow Card training programme could not be linked to nationally recognised training.

It therefore developed the new training programme and is initiating a retraining programme to bring all former Yellow Card trainers up to date with the new UoC. The new licence offers better quality control and provides a measure to ensure all accreditation is proven i.e. that the holder of the card is the trained operator.
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The new card

James Oxenham, national operations director for the EWPA said: “The EWP Operator Licence now offers a pathway for participants who have successfully completed training to gain a nationally recognised unit of competence. It meets and exceeds the UoC requirement, meeting industry and national Standards as well as training standards.”

“In-built to the new training and licencing system is the ability to check the accreditation of the licence holder on the EWPA webpage, so site supervisors can log in to double check the validity of any licence holder.”

“Recreating our Yellow Card programme to fit into national training programs means, as an industry, we gain training credibility, while our trained members will now have the option to gain a Statement of Attainment which builds on their life-long learning achievements.”

“Essentially we have added more content to the UoC because we are driven by industry and are aware of what industry considers necessary for safe operation of an elevating work platform. For example: the adopted UoC did not clearly mention the potential for overhead crush injury or offer awareness and prevention training but this has now been addressed (along with other materials) to the new Yellow Card UoC. As an industry, the EWPA is aware of the potential for grievous harm as a result of overhead crushing while operating an EWP. It is vital we train our operators well and also share our knowledge so other industries are made aware of the potential for harm.”
