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Ainscough hand out top four awards

Ainscough Crane Hire Limited the UK’s largest crane hirer, recently developed a new awards scheme for its depots. At the National Managers meeting held in December 2005, four awards were given to the most successful depots in 2005.

Lee Sixsmith – Immingham depot won the award for ‘Best Return on Capital Employed & Best Overall Depot’,
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Lee Sixsmith of Immingham

Mark James from Cardiff depot was awarded with ‘Most Profitable Depot’ and
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Mark James of Cardiff

Rani Natorianni of the Maidstone Depot took the top Safety award.
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Rani Natorianni of Maidstone

The ‘Most Improved Depot’ award went to Mary McDougall and the Teesside Depot.
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Mary McDougal of Teeside

Martin Ainscough, Ainscough’s managing director said, “We decided that this years Managers meeting would be the ideal opportunity to commend our depot managers for their depots performance, and that it would be a good incentive to award them with a cash prize to spend on their depot staff.

I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all of our hire team who work extremely hard throughout the year and to congratulate the winners of this years awards. Next year we are hoping to have more categories and see some new depots receiving them.”
