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Dingli floats

Chinese aerial lift manufacturer Dingli was among 24 companies to obtain approval to make an Initial Public Offering last week in China, following the first round of IPO approvals in the Lunar New Year.

Dingli - officially Zhejiang Dingli Machinery - is one of 12 companies to list on the Main Board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Wednesday.

The company offered 16.5 million shares, representing 25 percent of its total equity. The shares were priced at 29.56RMB ($4.70) at launch, raising RMB 487.7 million ($78.7 million) and valuing the company at almost RMB 2billion ($315 million).

Vertikal Comment

This is another step for China’s leading aerial lift manufacturer which has grown very rapidly in recent years as it has won a market leading share of its home market, while being by far the most westernised aerial lift company in China, helping it develop a distribution network, which while still in its early stages of development is way ahead of any local competitors.

How it will use the additional funds and outside input/influences that comes with a full listing, will be interesting to see.
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Dingli is the leading Chinese aerial lift producer by a considerable margin


Nicely put Eric L. Most people who don't know what Dingli actually do have that inaccurate view of them.

Dingli do indeed build machines that are near if not identical to other peoples machines. Why? Because having designed a lot of them in the first place, and built them in large numbers for known major names they share a lot of the R&D rights to either whole machines or part assemblies. So they are in fact building what is theirs to build!!

Bit different eh!! If we are going to try and be witty at least lets be accurate!

Mar 10, 2015

Eric L
Maybe they could try and design a machine themselves, and not just build boarderline copies of the market leaders..

Mar 10, 2015