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Phoenix rising...

Now that the official liquidator has been appointed at Samuel Walkers, a number of ventures are rising to take its place.

PAT has its three man team in place, working via its Benelux support company.
Grove has been busy recruiting engineers and gearing up to sell parts direct, while seeking a new location for a UK support centre.

Meanwhile a new company WalkerWeld Engineering Ltd has been established in Glasgow offering the following services previously provided by Walkers in Glasgow.
- Welding and fabrication services
- Light engineering works
- Test weight rental
- Lorry loader rental

The new business is headed by John Kelly, previously with Sam Walkers, while Alan Walker is helping in an advisory capacity.

The fabrication and welding side of the old business had developed specific skills in the repair of large structural components, such as crane and aerial lift booms and turntables etc… Kelly hopes to full the gap in the market created by the demise of Samuel Walkers.
