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Caught red handed in a bucket

The City of Lawrenceburg in Kentucky could be fined several thousand dollars after two of its employees were spotted putting Christmas lights up using the bucket of the city’s loader-backhoe rather than renting in a safe purpose built aerial work platform.

A picture of the men at work was sent to the local OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) office which has now launched an investigation. The mayor of Lawrenceburg saw the men at work and said almost told them to get down and to go and get some suitable equipment, but didn’t even though he knew it was not a safe way to work.

OSHA inspectors arrived in town the following day and stopped work, the lights team then rented in an aerial lift and completed the work on time. The amazing thing is that last year they used a bucket truck and said that they felt safer working from the bucket! Obviously they selected an inferior lift.
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The two men working from the bucket

Referring to the incident the city said: “We hate it and it’s embarrassing for our workers. They got into the mission of getting this done before Saturday’s parade and just didn’t think it through. When hanging Christmas lights, the last thing we want to do is put someone’s safety in jeopardy, or to pay a big fine to OSHA for hanging Christmas lights. You can be assured this won’t happen again.”

The story generated a mixed reaction from residents, with some condemning the city for flouting safety standards and putting lives at risk, while others applauded the men for trying to save taxpayer funds and for just getting on with the job”. One thing is for certain the city will receive some form of citation, but it might escape a large fine?

A definite one for our Death Wish series
