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Two Liebherr luffers for MoMA Tower

The first of two Liebherr 710 HC-L 32/64 Litronic luffing tower cranes has been erected on the MoMA Tower jobsite in New York City, USA. A second will be delivered mid 2016 helping to build the 76 story building in Midtown Manhattan. The 710 HC-L is the largest luffing tower crane available from Liebherr. With a height of 320 metres the skyscraper will be one of the highest buildings in the city. Both cranes are leased from the North American Liebherr dealer Morrow to contractor Sorbara Construction. Morrow provides Sorbara with support, planning, crane erection assistance and field services.
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The first of two Liebherr 710 HC-L 32/64 Litronic luffing tower cranes has been erected on the MoMA Tower jobsite in New York City, USA

The first crane was erected within 17 hours of delivery to the jobsite keeping Sorbara on schedule and under budget for this phase of the project. This crane will has a 45 metres working radius and will climb to 131 metres.
The second 710 HC-L will be erected during the summer of 2016 with a 60 metre working radius and will climb to 216 metres. This crane will be mounted on a platform outside the building on the 20th floor and top climb to a height of 320 metres. The first crane will be used to erect the second crane and when the first crane has completed its tasks, the second crane will dismantle the first crane.
