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Loader crane flips in Stockholm

A large loader crane flipped over backwards while lifting a large, light load in Hagsätra, on the South side of Stockholm, Sweden yesterday.
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The loader crane had a lot of boom out and flipped over backwards

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The outriggers behind the lift were not extended - note the recovery crane

The boom and hydraulic jib of the Palfinger HS 20026 landed on a van and two cars, containing a combined total of three people – all of whom managed to escape uninjured. A police statement says that it is investigating the incident, and would not comment, apart to say that some fuel had escaped and was being cleaned up.
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The boom and jib crushed three cars but managed to miss the occupants

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A van is badly crushed

As to the cause it looks like a wind caught the large load and given the high boom angle and retracted outriggers the backward pressure as the load raised above the building took it over backwards.
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The load


Planners would have been wise to cordon off the lift zone knowing motorists would be safer by taking a detour even if they got upset. Was the crane properly stabilized? Windy weather is not a secret...we can get wind direction and speed information from weather forecasts and airport weather broadcasts.
Dr. Atul Gawande writes in CHECKLIST MANIFESTO that the two common causes of procedural failure are ignorance and ineptitude. Facts of this case should show how when where why who and what was assumed or cut short to cause this inexcusable accident.

Mar 30, 2016