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HSE issues Tower crane alert

The Health and Safety Executive has issued an alert today warning the construction industry, on the importance of safe erection, operation, maintenance and dismantling of tower cranes.

The HSE says that the alert has been prompted by a number of serious incidents involving tower cranes in recent years.
The alert says:

“Those responsible for the management of tower cranes on site should ensure that:

Tower cranes are erected and dismantled by competent people who have the necessary training and experience. Companies should draw up written procedures for each type of tower crane and these procedures should be based on the manufacturers instructions.

These procedures must be available on site and those involved in the work should be familiar with them;

A thorough examination of the crane is undertaken after its erection by a competent person who is sufficiently independent and impartial, and who is not involved in the erection process;

Only competent people are allowed to operate the crane;

Pre-use checks are carried out by the crane operator at the start of each shift to ensure that the crane has not suffered any damage or failure and is safe to be used;

In-service inspections are carried out by the crane operator, generally at weekly intervals, and records kept of these inspections;

A properly planned maintenance system is established and used.
Competent people should undertake this maintenance at the
intervals specified by the manufacturer.

Records should be kept of the work completed including any parts that have been replaced. In general the original manufacturers parts should be used. Where parts are sourced from suppliers other than the original manufacturer, a competent engineer should assess that the parts selected meet the original manufacturers specification and are fit for purpose.
Any parts replaced should be installed in accordance with the manufacturers instructions;

Further thorough examinations are carried out by a competent person at specified intervals, after major alterations or repair, or after the occurrence of exceptional circumstances which are liable to jeopardise the safety of the crane;


Lifting operations are properly planned and appropriately supervised.

Detailed information on all these issues can be found in:

"Safe Use of Work Equipment" - Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 Approved Code of Practice and Guidance;

The Construction Plant-hire Association's (CPA) Tower Crane Interest Group Technical Information Notes

- BS7121 "Code of Practice for safe Use of Cranes" Part 1: General;

- BS 7121 "Code of Practice for safe Use of Cranes" Part 2: Inspection, testing and examination;

- BS 7121 "Code of Practice for safe use of Cranes" Part 5: Tower Cranes. (This was revised in February 2006);

CIRIA publication C654 "Guide to Tower Crane Stability"; and -

HSE has worked closely with industry to revise BS7121- Part 5 to produce the CIRIA publication and the CPAs Technical Information Notes mentioned above.

As a result of this new guidance being available to the industry HSE's Construction Division has an ongoing programme of visits to tower crane companies.

During these site and head office visits inspectors will discuss health and safety management of the supply, erection, operation and dismantling of tower cranes.

This work will be continuing in light of the recent tower crane collapse at Battersea and we will expect companies to be able to demonstrate compliance with relevant legislation and industry best practice.
