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Oil rig platform

Outreach of Falkirk, Scotland has delivered the first units of its OSB250 aerial work platform for drilling rigs and offshore oil platforms. The company has so far taken orders worth around £1 million, for five of the specialist lifts, all from leading drilling companies operating in the North Sea.
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The Outreach OSB250 aerial work platform

“This new machine offers greatly enhanced safety and flexibility to those who are tasked with operating and maintaining drilling equipment and has already generated a strong level of interest “, said Outreach chairman, Wilson Paton.

The company has also finalised new distributor arrangements with Patriot Mechanical Handling a division of Global Marine Energy PLC. The agreement was finalised at the recent oil & gas show in Brazil.

The development and bringing to market of the OSB250 was put at risk at the end of 2004, when Outreach’s previous distributor for the oil & gas market was taken over by a competitor. Orders which had been scheduled for Outreach were instead, says the company, diverted to the new owners.

Paton, says “this really was an out-of-the-blue disaster that resulted in two years of hard work being erased overnight. We had to set about finding new distribution partners and help train their personnel before we could even begin the task of bidding for new contracts”.
