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Self erector left dangling

A self erecting tower crane at a Sherwood Park construction site in Edmonton fractured a pendant lug on Friday, while lifting a bucket of snow, leaving part of the jib dangling in the wind.
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The tower crane with dangling jib

The site is operated by Christenson Developments, co-owner Greg Christenson said “There was a pin that broke and now they’re dismantling it and taking it down,”
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Detail clearly shows the part that has sheared.

While the crane did drop its load, no one was hurt and no damage was done to any of the buildings.

A stop-use order was put on the crane and the crane's owner was ordered to safely dismantle the extension and have it repaired and recertified.

It has yet to be determined if the weight of the snow caused the failure, or if the equipment was defective

We were not able to identify the crane for certain... if you can.. please let us know.
