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New tower crane regulations in Bahrain

New regulations are being drawn up for the erection and dismantling of tower cranes across Bahrain following a tragic accident last month at a Bahrain City Centre site. One worker died and another 20 were injured by flying debris when a section of crane being dismantled fell more than 70 feet.

Introduced by the Labour Ministry and health and safety authorities, the regulations will apply to all cranes in the country.

The accident on December 11 involved a seven-tonne section of the crane which fell and landed on a concrete roof where labourers were resting. The section was being lowered to the ground while the crane was being dismantled.

"Though we are still in the process of laying the blame for the Seef mishap, we have felt there is a need to set up uniform procedures, supervised by the Labour Ministry, for all companies to follow," explained Labour Ministry occupational safety section head Nidhal Al Banna.

"We have already concluded there was a lapse either in dismantling, or the earlier assembly of the crane which collapsed and feel it was because of the lack of guidelines on how to go about it."

He said another reason for the accident could have been the faulty construction of the crane and that was why so far the blame had not been directly placed on an individual or a company.

Mr Al Banna said representatives from all construction companies active in Bahrain would be invited to suggest guidelines.

"These would be discussed and finalised before other steps are taken to implement them," he said.

"If there are set rules and all companies follow the same rules, it would be that much easier to investigate any accidents and put blame on those responsible."

Meanwhile, Mr Al Banna said the preliminary report on the Seef accident was still being discussed.
He said the final report would be made available only after all these points had been sorted out.
The main contractor at the Bahrain City Centre site is Cebarco WCT.
