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Joe Collinson

Joe Collinson a well known, respected and popular service engineer suffered a fatal heart attack just before Christmas, he was only 55.
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The late Joe Collinson

Collinson spent many years in the powered access business, having worked with JLG, Nationwide ad APS where he was employed when he died.

Joe started out working on fork trucks and as far as we know moved into access with JLG. He moved to Nationwide Access in 1996 and is still fondly remembered by many of his colleagues from that time.

Based at Nationwides Bedford depot, where he was a foreman, he had a strong reputation for sharing the knowledge he had accumulated with a lot of the younger and less experienced engineers in the region.

He is similarly fondly remembered and appreciated at APS where his talents and dedication are sorely missed. He recently won the company’s employee of the year award.

The industry will unquestionably be poorer for his premature passing.
