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Crane injures crew member

A member of the salvage team removing containers from the stricken vessel MSC Napoli was airlifted to hospital yesterday after he was knocked off a shuttle barge by a crane.

The man suffered head and back injuries when he was thrown into the water in Portland, Dorset. A coastguard spokesman said the injured man managed to struggle ashore before the emergency services arrived.
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Containers being unloaded from a shuttle barge

The worker, who part of a team ferrying containers from the stricken Napoli, was airlifted to Dorset County hospital where he is still being treated.

The Napoli was deliberately grounded on Saturday January 20th in order to avoid it sinking in deeper water. The 275 metre long ship was carrying more than 2,000 containers, of which 103 went overboard.

The remaining cargo is now being removed by shuttle barges which can carry about 70 containers a time.
See crawler cranes to salvage Napoli containers
