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Fatal incident in London - not the crane

A man died on a job site in London yesterday, after he was struck by a falling foundation beam. However contrary to earlier reports, we now understand that crane was not involved directly in the incident.

A two axle All Terrain crane from Essex based Nationwide Lifting, was on site, on a standard CPA Crane Hire contract installing shoring beams to a basement/foundation excavation in Hoxton, central London. The crane was lifting a beam into one part of the site, when a beam on the opposite side of the foundation fell from the wall onto a site worker causing them fatal crushing injuries.
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The crane lifted the fallen beam from the excavation and placed it where you see it in the photographs. As a result the national press and other media outlets, naturally assumed that it was the crane that dropped the beam.
For further photos from the scene and video click here for 'My London'
A spokesman from the Metropolitan Police said: "Officers were called at 1.25pm on Tuesday, December 21 by the London Ambulance Service to a building site on East Road, Hoxton. A man was reported to have been struck by a falling object. The London Fire Brigade and London's Air Ambulance also attended the scene. the man was pronounced dead at the scene. Police are working to inform his next of kin."
